Arrival at School
- 8.30 am classrooms open for children.
- 8.55 am school day commences.
- School staff accept responsibility for the supervision of children between 8.30 am and 3.15 pm
3pm Departure
- Children must leave the school grounds promptly at 3 pm.
- All children should be collected by 3.15 pm.
- Children waiting for parents to collect them must wait at the front of the school. They are not allowed to play on the Adventure Playgrounds before leaving for home.
Notification of student absences
- Parents are required to notify the school, by telephone, email, note, through the SkoolBag app, or oral message from another family member, by 9.15am that their child is going to be absent from school.
- Should a child fail to arrive and the school has no knowledge of the child's whereabouts, the parents will be contacted by phone to ensure the child's safety.
Health Room
- Our office staff, who attend to minor injuries and ailments, have current First Aid certificates.
- Should your child need medical attention or be too unwell to remain at school you will be contacted to collect them. Treatment for accidents at school is covered by A.C.C. or your own medical insurance.